Terms and Conditions

Parents Agree to the Following:
Fees are payable termly in advance. Full payment must be received within five days of the first day of each term, otherwise a late payment charge will be levied, unless prior arrangements have been made with us.
A half term’s notice must be given in writing before reducing the number of sessions your child attends, or withdrawing your child from the school. (e.g. if you wish your child to leave in October, notice must be received by the first day of the Summer term preceding). If this is not received, payment of a half term’s fees is lieu of the notice will be charged. This includes a child leaving at any time other than that noted on your child’s Enrolment form.
In order to secure your child’s place, please complete and submit a Registration Form together with a £200 deposit, £50 of which is a Registration fee and the remaining £150 will be taken off the child's first term's fees. A formal letter confirming our offer of a place will then follow. The half-term before your child is due to start you will be sent a Welcome Pack including an Enrolment Form, which must be returned as soon as possible. If your requested sessions are not available we will contact you to discuss the matter, the registration fee will be refunded if we are unable to accommodate a convenient alternative.
Refunds will not be given due to illness or holiday taken in term time.
The school reserves the right to increase fees once per academic year.
Written consent will be required from parents prior to any outings or visits and school outings and entertainment will be at an additional cost.
I confirm I have read and understood the terms and conditions provided with this information and request a place is reserved for my child as detailed above. I understand that a full terms notice is required should I no longer require my child to start at Sweetpeas Montessori preschool otherwise I will become liable to pay the first terms fees in full.
and return to:
Sweetpeas Montessori
Unit 6, Furze Hill Barn
Priory Farm
Sandy Lane
South Nuffield RH1 4EJ